Casto K.V. & Carré, J.M. (2023) Testosterone, Sex, and Sport. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 10(2). https://doi.org/10.1177/23727322231197583
Casto, K. V., Arthur, L., Lynch-Wells, S., & Blake, K. (2023). Women in their mid-follicular phase outcompete hormonal contraceptive users, an effect partially explained by relatively greater progesterone and cortisol reactivity to competition. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 157, 106367. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2023.106367
Petersen, N., Beltz, A.M., Casto, K.V., Taylor, C.M., Jacobs, E.G., Sundström-Poromaa, I., & Pletzer, B. (2023). Towards a more comprehensive neuroscience of hormonal contraceptives. Nature Neuroscience, 26, 529–531. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-023-01273-z
Casto, K.V., Prasad, S., Josephs, R.A., Zilioli, S., Welker, K., Maslov, A., ... & Mehta, P. H. (2023). No Compelling Evidence that Self-Reported Personality Traits Explain Basal Testosterone and Cortisol’s Associations with Status-Relevant Behavior. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 1-35. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40750-023-00210-5
Stern, J., Hildebrand, T., & Casto, K.V. (2023). Women’s intrasexual competitiveness and jealousy across the ovulatory cycle – A hormone-based study. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 14(5), 647–661. https://doi.org/10.1177/19485506221117712
Casto, K.V., Jordan, T., & Petersen, N. (2022) Hormone-based models for comparing menstrual cycle and hormonal contraceptive effects on human resting-state functional connectivity. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology Special Issue on Hormonal contraceptives and the brain: A call for translational research, 67, 101036. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yfrne.2022.101036
Arthur, L.C., Casto, K.V., & Blake, K.R. (2022) Hormonal contraceptives as disruptors of competitive behavior: Theoretical framing and review. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, 66, 101015. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yfrne.2022.101015
​Casto, K.V. (2022). Tracking women’s reproductive data in sport: Practical limitations, perils and pitfalls. Sports Medicine, 52, 1723–1727. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-022-01671-6
Murphy, B.A., Casto, K.V., Watts, A.L., Costello, T.H., Jolink, T.A., Verona, E., & Algoe, S. (2022) “Feeling Powerful” versus “Desiring Power”: A pervasive and problematic conflation in personality assessment? Journal of Research in Personality, 101, 104305. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrp.2022.104305
Casto, K.V., Leininger, E.C., & Tan, T. (2022). Teaching about sex and gender in Neuroscience: More than meets the “XY”. Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education. https://www.funjournal.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/june-20-190.pdf?x36670
Casto, K.V., Arthur, L.C., Hamilton, D., & Edwards, D.A. (2022) Testosterone, athletic context, oral contraceptive use, and competitive performance in women. In Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 8, 52–78. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40750-021-00180-6
​2021 and earlier
Casto, K.V., Root, Z. L., Carré, J.M., Geniole, S., & Bruner, M.W. (2021). Exploratory analysis of the relationship between social identification and testosterone reactivity to vicarious combat. Human Nature, 32, 509-527. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12110-021-09407-7
Casto, K. V., & Edwards, D. A. (2021). Individual differences in hormonal responsiveness to social encounters: Commentary on Félix et al., 2020 and review of pertinent issues. Hormones and Behavior, 129, 104921 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yhbeh.2020.104921
Casto, K.V., Edwards, D.A., Akinola, M., Davis, C., & Mehta, P.H. (2020). Testosterone reactivity to competition and competitive endurance in men and women. In the Special Issue celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Challenge Hypothesis. Hormones and Behavior, 123, 104665. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yhbeh.2019.104665
Casto, K.V., & Edwards, D.A. (2019). Testosterone and cortisol interact to predict within-team social status hierarchy among Olympic-level women athletes. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 5 (3), 237-250. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40750-019-00115-2
Casto, K.V., & Mehta, P.H. (2019). Competition, dominance, and social hierarchy. In L. Welling and T. Schackelford (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook on Evolutionary Psychology and Behavioral Endocrinology. Oxford University Press.
Edwards, D.A., & Casto, K.V. (2019). The social neuroendocrinology of athletic competition. In P. Mehta and O. Schultheiss (Eds.), The International Handbook of Social Neuroendocrinology. Routledge/Psychology Press.
Casto, K.V., & Prasad, S. (2017). Recommendations for the study of women in hormones and competition research. Hormones and Behavior, 92, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yhbeh.2017.05.009
Casto, K.V., Rivell, A., & Edwards, D.A. (2017). Testosterone and cortisol response to recreational sport competition in women and perceived personal success. Hormones and Behavior, 92, 29-36. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yhbeh.2017.05.006
Casto, K.V., & Edwards, D.A. (2016). Testosterone and reconciliation among women: After-competition testosterone predicts prosocial attitudes towards opponents. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 2, 220-233. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40750-015-0037-1
Casto, K.V., & Edwards, D.A. (2016). Testosterone, cortisol, and human competition. Hormones and Behavior, 82, 21-37. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yhbeh.2016.04.004
Casto, K.V., & Edwards, D.A. (2016). Before, during, and after: How phases of competition differentially affect testosterone, cortisol, and estradiol levels in women athletes. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 2, 11-25. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40750-015-0028-2
Crewther, B.T., Hamilton, D., Casto, K.V., Kilduff, L.P., & Cook, C.J. (2015). Effects of oral contraceptive use on the salivary testosterone and cortisol responses to training sessions and competition in elite women athletes. Physiology & Behavior, 147, 84-90. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physbeh.2015.04.017
Edwards, D.A., & Casto, K.V. (2015). Baseline cortisol moderates testosterone reactivity to women’s intercollegiate athletic competition. Physiology & Behavior, 142, 48-51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physbeh.2015.01.037
Casto, K.V., Elliot, C. M., & Edwards, D.A. (2014). Intercollegiate cross-country competition: Effects of warm-up and racing on salivary levels of cortisol and testosterone. International Journal of Exercise Science, 7, 318-328. https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/ijes/vol7/iss4/8
Edwards, D. A., & Casto, K. V. (2013). Women’s intercollegiate athletic competition: Cortisol, testosterone, and the dual hormone hypothesis as it relates to status among teammates. Hormones and Behavior, 64, 153-160. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yhbeh.2013.03.003
Harmison, R. & Casto, K. (2012). Optimal Performance: Elite Level Performance in “The Zone." In S. Murphy (Ed.), The handbook on sport and performance psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.
Casto, K. & Lecci, L. (2012). Experimentally manipulated somatic information and somatization tendencies and their impact on physical symptom reporting and performance in a physically strenuous task. International Journal of Exercise Science, 5, 60-71. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27182375/
Martin, A., Casto, K., Morris, W., & Morgan, J. B. (2011). Phosphine-catalyzed heine reaction. Organic Letters, 13, 5444-5447. https://doi.org/10.1021/ol202410v